Sunday morning
Typically on Sunday, with coffee in hand, we wonder down to the vineyard to check out the bud break that happens at Spring. A time to relax and not be very ambitious, listen to the birds, smell the flowers and in general, putz around.

I never grow tired of taking pictures at this time of year as there is always something new... growing, creeping, flying or buzzing around.

An ever present member of our group is "Brooklyn" a small mix of a rescue dog ... a cute, funny and silly creature, perfect for our amusement and companionship.

But today she showed us her stuff, what she is really good at... hunting.
She must be part Terrier as that nose is always to the ground...

Our dog found a fresh new Gopher hole, a gardener's nemesis...
a little root eating, hole digging Gopher.

The Husband found a way to trap a Gopher without killing it.
First you dig out the gopher hole.

Then my job is to turn on the hose.... That's why the picture is so far away, that and poor planning on my part. That is also why you won't see the Husband scooping up the tiny wet creature on the tip of his shovel as it was scrambling out of the flooded hole.

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