First... You can easily grow your own tomatillos.... or not! Tomatillos can be grown in a container on a patio if you don't have the room for a garden. Or they can be purchased at most markets.

When the husk turns brown... they are ready. These are the husks that we peeled off.

Here the Husband is grilling the tomatillos on the stove. You can use an outdoor grill too.

He has added to the grill 2 pasilla chile peppers. But you can substitute other type of peppers.

While they are grilling prepare the onion, cilantro & Garlic.

Here are all the ingredients.....
A variation is to add a little lime juice if you want to.

Throw in a blender and .... shazam.... Oh, and drink a Beer with Lime while you're doing it...

Here is the final salsa.

Yummy!!!! This salsa is a nice change from the tomato versions.

That looks tasty!!