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Keeping busy during a pandemic

Staying home, staying safe.  What to do while quarantining?   Eat comfort food, binge watch shows, some work, zoom meetings, online exercise, nap, repeat.   Also big on my list was doing all the things that I haven't had time to do before covid19.  Trying to make some lemonade out of lemons, I signed up to to hopefully, solve some family mysteries. The first mystery. My father's mother died when he was 9 months old.  He and his Dad, John Sr.  & older brother, John Jr., who was 2, moved into their Grandfather, Dr. August Osterman's house.  John Sr.,  was a traveling auditor for the B&O railroad, he had to depend on his family for much needed help raising his boys.  Later John, Sr. remarried a lovely woman, Ruby.  We knew Ruby growing up as our grandmother, no-one spoke of my Father's real mother, Elsa Catherine, at least not in our house.  I also had a lot of anxiety worrying about my father's early life, not kno...

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